Psychotherapy in Cambridge Jessa Leff

I take your privacy seriously

Psychotherapy is private and confidential. When you email me using the envelope icon on my website, the contact form records your name and email address along with the IP address of the computer used to make the request. I will hold your contact details for the purpose of arranging sessions, invoicing and accounting. I will not share information with your GP or anyone else, unless you specifically ask me to.

Any notes are kept securely, separately from contact details, for six years as required by Professional Indemnity Insurers and are then destroyed. Data held electronically, including emails and contact details will be deleted within six months of the end of the work.

I have regular supervision to help me think about the work which is carefully anonymised.

If you have any concerns about the way I am handling your personal information, please talk to me about it. If you do not feel that your concerns have been resolved following this, you have a right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) or call 0303 123 1113.

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